User Manual

1.3 Create Parametrizable Fixups

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In this article, you will learn

  • how variables can be created in callas pdfToolbox,
  • how to assign a type in the XML to the various variables, and
  • how to structure the XML file so that the Fixup can be used with the variables in the Workflow.

1. Introduction

Fixups are an essential part of the Workflow. They can be used to automatically correct data and prepare it for printing. In addition, you can create custom Fixups with user-defined variables. This allows you to create Fixups according to your requirements and apply them in the Workflow.

2. Variables in "callas pdfToolbox"

Before the available XML types are assigned to the variable, a variable for the respective Fixup option in callas pdfToolbox for the KFPX file has to be generated.

The key [1] defined here is needed later to assign the type. Therefore, the name of the key should be self-explanatory. The desired type can only be assigned in an XML file if callas pdfToolbox also allows the respective value type. Make sure that the assigned type in XML is compatible with the value type [2] of pdfToolbox.

Figure 1: Dialog for creating a variable in pdfToolbox with the value type "String"

Working with callas pdfToolbox

You will need to be familiar with how to use callas pdfToolbox in order to create custom Fixups. Find a detailed description of callas pdfToolbox in the callas user manual.

Using the KFXP file for versions lower than 14

For creating the KFPX file, we worked with the callas pdfToolbox 14. Note that the sample KFPX files of callas pdfToolbox lower than version 14.0 cannot be imported. Versions higher than 14.0 can import the sample KFPX files at any time!

The KFPX files used can only be uploaded in Workflow versions 1.14.0 and higher. In all earlier versions, e.g. Workflow 1.13.x, 1.12.x or 1.11.x, the KFPX files cannot be used.

3. Available XML Types

After a Fixup has been created in callas pdfToolbox and the desired variables have been added, a type can be assigned to the variables in the XML file. The different types can be used to display different options in the user interface, for example, an input field, a checkbox or a slider.

The user can refer to the following types:

  • STRING – create an input field. Permitted entries are numbers, letters and special characters.
  • PATTERN_STRING – is the same as the STRING type. By selecting this type, an input field with Variable Content  a placeholder (database field or user-defined field) from which the value for the content should be retrieved  can be generated.
  • DOUBLE – create an input field. Allowed entries are positive as well as negative numbers with or without decimal places.
  • PATTERN_DOUBLE – is the same as the DOUBLE type. Selecting this type allows you to create an input field with Variable Content  insert a placeholder (database field or user-defined field) from which the value for the content should be retrieved.
  • INTEGER – create an input field. Permitted entries are positive and negative numbers as well as 0, but without decimal places.
  • PATTERN_INTEGER – is equivalent to the INTEGER type. Selecting this type allows you to create an input field with Variable Content  insert a placeholder (database field or user-defined field) from which the value for the content should be retrieved.
  • BOOLEAN – create a checkbox to activate or deactivate the option.
  • PATTERN_BOOLEAN – is the same as the BOOLEAN type. By selecting this type, an input field with Variable Content  a placeholder (database field or user-defined field) from which the value for the content should be retrieved  can be generated.
  • SLIDER_INTEGER – display a slider with values from 0% to 100%.
  • COLOR_PICKER – create an input area for entering CMYK values with a color preview area.

3.1. Create Fixup with Variable of Type STRING

To create an input field in which a character string can be entered, the type String must be used. Characters that can be used in a string include letters, numbers, symbols and tab characters. Among other things, this allows you to create input fields in which any text can be entered.

Examples would be:

  • Input field for captions and for creating barcode and QR code content
  • Input field for a text to be searched for or to enter a text to be used
  • Input field for the value to be searched for for barcodes or QR codes
  • Input field for defining a page range  e.g.: 1-5

3.1.1. Input Field “String” in the KFPX

The PLACE_TEXT_STRING_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup is provided for illustration purposes. The PLACE_TEXT_STRING_MANUAL custom Fixup contains

  • the variable SAMPLE_String with
  • the value type String

The goal of the Fixup is to place a defined text in the center of the MediaBox of the Print Item. The text has a size of 12 pt. The color of the text is 100% CMYK black. The user can enter the text that should be placed in the input field.

3.1.2. “STRING” Input Field in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file has to be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_String and the type STRING has to be assigned. The Fixup can only be applied to the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Figure 2: Left: Excerpt from the XML file in which the variable type String was assigned; Right: Fixup dialog in Workflow

To define an input field as a string in XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For further information regarding this topic refer to the article Creating Fixups without a Variable.
  2. In the <fixup>...</fixup> element, insert the sub-element  <variables></variables> and add the element  <variable></variable>. Figure 2 shows how the structure should look like.
  3. Finally, assign the attributes for the element  <variable></variable>. The following attributes should be assigned for a string:
    • name [4] enter the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable that was defined in pdfToolbox.
    • type [3] – assign the type STRING  here to create an input field for the permitted letters, numbers and special characters.
    • defaultValue [6] – enter the value that should be displayed by default in the input field. This attribute is not mandatory, but should still be used to give the user an indication of what kind of content is expected in the input field.
    • displayVariable [7] – enter the value true to display the variable in the dialog.
    • description [5] – enter the name for the input field here so that the user knows what the input field is for. The name can be translated into all languages that are offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will only work when it is available. If a language is not translated, the English translation will be displayed.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file PLACE_TEXT_STRING_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as a STRING type.

3.1.3. Input Field “PATTERN_STRING” in the XML

Besides the option of creating an input field with a STRING, the same input field can be provided with a placeholder to define Variable Content. The type PATTERN_STRING is therefore required. The assignment of the type and the definition of the attributes work in the same way as for the STRING type. The entry PATTERN_STRING in the type attribute allows to select Variable Content [8] in the Workflow.

You do not need to make any structural changes to the KFPX file or the XML file. You just need to change the type name to PATTERN_STRING in the XML file.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the matching XML file PLACE_TEXT_STRING_VARIABLE_CONTENT.xml for download. In this file, the PATTERN_STRING type is used for the variable.

Figure 3: Fixup dialog with type "PATTERN_STRING"

3.2. Creating Fixups with Variable Type "DOUBLE"

To create an input field in which numbers can be entered, the type DOUBLE must be used. Positive and negative numbers as well as numbers with decimal places are permitted as characters.

Examples of this would be:

  • Input field for defining a unit of length  e.g. width, height, length, etc.
  • Input field for specifying color values
  • Input field for specifying an angle
  • Input field for specifying a line width
  • Input field for specifying an offset

3.2.1. "Float" Input Field in the KFPX

The PLACE_TEXT_DOUBLE_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup is provided for illustration purposes. The custom Fixup PLACE_TEXT_DOUBLE_MANUAL contains

  • the variable SAMPLE_Double with the
  • value type Float

This Fixup aims to place a defined text in the center of the Print Item's MediaBox. The input field can be used to move the text along the X-axis to the left ( values) or to the right (+ values).

3.2.2. Input Field “DOUBLE” in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file must be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Double assigned the type DOUBLE. The Fixup can only be applied to the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Figure 4: Left: Excerpt of the XML file in which the variable type DOUBLE was assigned; Right: dialog of the Fixup in the Workflow

To define an input field as DOUBLE in the XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For information about the required structure, refer to the article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the element <fixup></fixup>, insert the sub-element <variables></variables> and add the element <variable></variable>. Figure 4 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the element <variable></variable>. The following attributes should be assigned for a string:
    • name [10] – enter the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable that was defined in pdfToolbox.
    • type [9] – assign the type DOUBLE here to create an input field for entering permissible numbers.
    • min/max [12] – specify the value range for this variable here. In this example, the value range is from 1000.0 to +1000.0. This means that if a user tries to enter the value 1001, a warning will be displayed.
    • defaultValue [13] – enter the value that should be displayed by default in the input field. This attribute is not mandatory, but should still be used to give the user an indication of what kind of content is expected in the input field.
    • modelUnit [15] – enter the unit of measurement to be used for the calculation. In this case, it is millimeters.
    • displayVariable [14] – enter the value true here so that the variable is also displayed in the dialog.
    • description [11] – enter a name for the input field here so that the user knows what the input field is for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. Fixups only work when the English translation is available. If a language is not translated, the English translation is displayed.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file PLACE_TEXT_DOUBLE_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as a DOUBLE type.

3.2.3. Input Field “PATTERN_DOUBLE” in the XML

Additionally to the option of creating an input field using a DOUBLE, the same input field can be provided with a placeholder to define Variable Content. The type PATTERN_DOUBLE is required for this. Assigning the type and defining the attributes is the same as for the DOUBLE type. The PATTERN_DOUBLE entry in the type attribute allows you to select a Variable Content [16] in Workflow.

You do not need to make any structural changes to the KFPX file or the XML file. You just need to change the type name to PATTERN_DOUBLE in the XML file.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file PLACE_TEXT_DOUBLE_VARIABLE_CONTENT.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as PATTERN_DOUBLE.

Figure 5: Fixup dialog with type PATTERN_DOUBLE

3.3. Creating Fixups with Variable Type "INTEGER"

To create an input field for whole numbers, the INTEGER type must be used. Permissible entries are positive and negative numbers. Unlike the DOUBLE type, numbers with decimal places are not allowed.

Examples of this would be:

  • Input field for defining a page number
  • Input field for specifying the number of rows
  • Input field for specifying the number of columns
  • Input field for specifying the screen resolution
  • Input field for specifying the number of copies

3.3.1. Input Field “Integer” in the KFPX

This Fixup aims to center a defined text in the MediaBox of the Print Item. Use the input field to move the text up or down along the Y-axis (“-” values move the text down, “+” values move the text up).

We provide the PLACE_TEXT_INTEGER_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup for illustration purposes. The PLACE_TEXT_INTEGER_MANUAL custom Fixup contains:

  • the variable SAMPLE_INTEGER with
  • the value type Integer

The purpose of this Fixup is to place a defined text in the center of the MediaBox of the Print Item. The text can be moved down ( values) or up (+ values) along the y-axis using the input field.

3.3.2. Input Field “INTEGER” in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file has to be created. Assign the type Integer to the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Integer. The Fixup can only be applied to the Workflow when the KFPX and XML files match.

Figure 6: Left: Excerpt of the XML file in which the variable has been given the type integer; Right: Fixup dialog in Workflow

To define an input field as INTEGER in the XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For information about the structure, refer to the article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the element  <fixup></fixup>, insert the sub-element  <variables></variables> and add the element  <variable></variable>. Figure 6 shows how the structure should look like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable>...</variable> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a string:
    • name [18] – enter the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable that was defined in pdfToolbox.
    • type [17] – assign the INTEGER type to create an input field for entering whole numbers.
    • min/max [20] – specify the value range for this variable. In this example, the value range is from 1000 to +1000. So if a user tries to enter the value 1001, a warning will be displayed.
    • defaultValue [21] – enter the value that should be displayed by default in the input field. This attribute is not mandatory, but should still be used to give the user an indication of what kind of content is expected in the input field.
    • modelUnit [23] – enter the unit of measurement that is required by default for the calculation. In this case, it is millimeters.
    • displayVariable [22] – enter the value true here so that the variable is also displayed in the dialog.
    • description [19] enter the name for the input field here so that the user knows what the input field is for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. Fixups only work when the English translation is available. When a language is not translated, the English translation is displayed.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file PLACE_TEXT_INTEGER_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as an INTEGER type.

3.3.3. Input Field “PATTERN_INTEGER” in XML

Additionally to the option of creating an input field with an INTEGER, the same input field can be provided with a placeholder to define Variable Content. The PATTERN_INTEGER type is required for this. The assignment of the type and the definition of the attributes work in the same way as for the INTEGER type. The option of selecting Variable Content [24] in Workflow is provided with the PATTERN_INTEGER entry in the type attribute.

You do not need to make any structural changes to the KFPX file or the XML file. You just need to change the type name to PATTERN_INTEGER in the XML file.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the matching XML file PLACE_TEXT_INTEGER_VARIABLE_CONTENT.xml for download. In it, the variable is defined as PATTERN_INTEGER.

Figure 7: Dialog for the custom Fixup of type PATTERN_INTEGER

3.4. Create Fixup with Check Boxes

To create a checkbox that can be used to activate or deactivate options, the BOOLEAN type has to be used. This allows the user to activate or deactivate a checkbox and thus execute or not execute the option.

3.4.1. Check Box in KFPX

The PLACE_TEXT_BOOLEAN_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup is provided for illustration purposes. The PLACE_TEXT_BOOLEAN_MANUAL custom Fixup contains

  • the variable SAMPLE_Boolean  with
  • the Boolean value type

The goal of the Fixup is to place a defined text in the center of the MediaBox of the Print Item. The text has a size of 12 pt. The color of the text is 100% CMYK black. The user can use the checkbox to optionally add a white background for the text.

3.4.2. BOOLEAN Check Box in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file must be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Boolean has to be assigned with the type BOOLEAN. The Fixup can only be applied to the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Figure 8: Left: Excerpt of the XML file in which the variable has been given the Boolean type; Right: The Fixup dialog in the Workflow

To define a checkbox using a BOOLEAN in the XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For information on how this should look, refer to the article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the <fixup></fixup> element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and then add the <variable></variable> element. Figure 8 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable></variable> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a string:
    • name [26] – enter the  Key [1] (Figure 1) of the defined variable defined in pdfToolbox.
    • type [25] – assign the type BOOLEAN to create a checkbox.
    • defaultValue [28] – enter the value true if the checkbox should be activated by default. This attribute is not mandatory, but should be used nonetheless.
    • displayVariable [29] – enter the value true so that the variable is also displayed in the dialog.
    • description [27] – enter a name for the checkbox here so that the user knows what the checkbox is intended for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will only work when the English translation is available. If a language is not translated, the English translation will be displayed.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the matching XML file PLACE_TEXT_BOOLEAN_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as a BOOLEAN type.

3.4.3. PATTERN_BOOLEAN” Check Box in the XML

In addition to the option of creating a checkbox using BOOLEAN, the same checkbox can be provided with a placeholder to define Variable Content. The type PATTERN_BOOLEAN is required for this. The assignment of the type and the definition of the attributes work in the same way as for the BOOLEAN type. The PATTERN_BOOLEAN entry in the type attribute offers the option of selecting a Variable Content [30] in the Workflow.

You do not need to make any structural changes to the KFPX file or the XML file. You just need to change the type name to PATTERN_BOOLEAN in the XML file.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the matching XML file PLACE_TEXT_BOOLEAN_VARIABLE_CONTENT.xml for download. In it, the variable is defined as PATTERN_BOOLEAN.

Figure 9: Dialog for the user-defined Fixup of the type PATTERN_BOOLEAN

3.5. Create Fixup with Selection Menu

To create a selection menu in which predefined options can be selected, the type STRING has to be used. In addition, however, the element <options layoutType="dropdown">  must be included. This is where the individual options that are displayed in the selection menu are defined. This allows the user to choose from predefined options.

Unlike the types already described, a selection menu in pdfToolbox requires the input value to be limited to a specific value.

We provide the PLACE_TEXT_DROPDOWN_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup to illustrate this. The PLACE_TEXT_DROPDOWN_MANUAL custom fixup contains

  • the SAMPLE_Dropdown variable with
  • the PopUp value type

The input has been limited to the following values:

  • Bottom
  • Left
  • Right
  • Top
  • Center

The aim of the Fixup is to place a defined text on the Print Item. The text is 12 pt in size. The text color is 100% CMYK black. The user can use the drop-down menu to decide where the text should be placed. The options are center, top center, right center, bottom center and left center.

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file must be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Dropdown assigned the type String and the layout type dropdown. The Fixup can only be applied to the Workflow when the KFPX and XML files match.

Figure 10: Left: Section of the XML file in which the variable type String and the layout type dropdown have been assigned; Right: Fixup dialog in the Workflow

To define a selection menu (dropdown) in XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. Find out how in article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the <fixup></fixup> element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and add the <variable></variable> element in it. Figure 10 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable></variable> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a string:
    • name [32] – the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable defined in pdfToolbox must be entered here.
    • type [31] – assign the STRING type here to create a selection menu that has to pass a string.
    • defaultValue [37] – enter the value that should be selected by default in the selection menu.
    • displayVariable [38] – enter the value true here so that the variable is also displayed in the dialog.
    • description [33] – enter the name for the selection menu here so that the user knows what the menu is for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will only work if this is available. If a language is not translated, the English translation is displayed.
  4. In the  <variable></variable> element, insert the subordinate elements <options></options>.
  5. Assign the attribute layoutType="dropdown" for the <options></options> element. This creates the selection menu.
  6. In the <options></options> element, insert the subordinate elements <option>...</option>  an element must be defined for each entry in the selection menu.
  7. Assign the attributes for the <option></option>element. The following attributes should be assigned for a dropdown:
    • name [35] – enter the name of the option here. This must match the respective pdfToolbox value.
    • description [36] – enter a name for the respective option here. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. Fixup will only work if this is present. If a language is not translated, the English translation will be displayed.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all options have been described. Figure 10 shows the structure that this should have.

We have provided the matching XML file PLACE_TEXT_DROPDOWN_MANUAL.xml for download to illustrate this. In this file, the variable is defined as a STRING type with the dropdown layout type.

3.6. Create Fixup with Radio Buttons

To create radio buttons, with which predefined options can be selected, the String type has to be used. In addition, however, the element <options layoutType="radio"> has to be be included. This is where the individual options to be displayed are defined. This allows the user to choose between predefined options.

3.6.1. Radio Buttons (Pop-up) in KFPX

As with the layout type dropdown, radio buttons in pdfToolbox have to have their input values limited to certain values.

We provide the PLACE_TEXT_RADIO_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup for illustration purposes. The PLACE_TEXT_DROPDOWN_MANUAL custom fixup contains

  • the SAMPLE_Radio variable with
  • the PopUp value type

The aim of the Fixup is to place a defined text in the center of the Print Item's MediaBox. The text is 12 pt in size. The color of the text is 100% CMYK black. A radio button is used to let the user decide whether the text should be set to Overprint or Knockout.

3.6.2. Radio Buttons in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file must be created. Then the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Radio has to be assigned the type String and the layout type radio. The Fixup can only be applied to the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Figure 11: Section of the XML file in which radio buttons have been created for the variable.

To define radio buttons in the XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. Find out how this should look in the article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the <fixup></fixup> element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and add the <variable></variable> element. Figure 11 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable></variable> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a string:
    • name [40] – the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable defined in pdfToolbox must be entered.
    • type [39] – assign the type STRING to create a radio button.
    • defaultValue [45] – enter the value that should be selected by default in the selection menu.
    • displayVariable [46] – enter the value true to also display the variable in the dialog.
    • description [41] – enter the name for the radio button here so that the user knows what the menu is for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will only work when the English translation is present. If a language is not translated, the English translation will be displayed.
  4. In the <variable></variable> element, insert the <options></options> sub-element.
  5. Assign the attribute layoutType="radio"[42] to the <options></options> element. This creates the radio buttons.
  6. In the <options></options> element, insert the <option>...</option> sub-element – an element must be defined for each selection.
  7. Assign the attributes for the <option></option> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a dropdown:
    • name [43] – enter the name of the option here. This must match the respective pdfToolbox value.
    • description [44] – enter a name for the respective option here. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. Fixup will only work if this is available. If a language is not translated, the English translation will be displayed.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all options have been described. Figure 11 shows what the structure looks like.

For illustrative purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file PLACE_TEXT_RADIO_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as a STRING type with the radio layout type.

3.7. Create Fixups with Slider

To create a slider in order to adjust the input from 0% to 100%, the Slider_Integer type has to be used. Note that the use of a slider only makes sense when it comes to limiting percentage values. Among other things, this can be used to adjust the tonal value or the coverage of a color to the desired percentage.

3.7.1. Slider in KFPX

We provide the CREATE_WHITE_SEPARATION_SLIDER_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup for illustration purposes. The CREATE_WHITE_SEPARATION_SLIDER_MANUAL custom Fixup contains

  • the variable SAMPLE_Slider with
  • the value type Integer

The aim of this Fixup is to create an Overprint Spot Color Separation for white in the size of the TrimBox. The slider can be used to influence the coverage of the white separation.

3.7.2. Providing “SLIDER_INTEGER” in the XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file still has to be created for it and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Slider assigned the type SLIDER_INTEGER. The Fixup can only be applied to the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Figure 12: Left: section of the XML file in which the variable has been given the type SLIDER_INTEGER; Right: dialog for the Workflow Fixup

To define a SLIDER_INTEGER in XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For information on how this should look, see the Article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the <fixup></fixup> element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and add the <variable></variable> element in it. Figure 12 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable></variable> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a string:
    • name [48] – the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable defined in pdfToolbox must be entered here.
    • type [47] – assign the type SLIDER_INTEGER here to create a slider.
    • defaultValue [50] – enter the value that should be displayed by default in the input field. This attribute is not mandatory, but should still be used.
    • modelUnit [51] – enter the unit of measurement that is required by default for the calculation. In this case, it is percent.
    • viewUnit [53] – enter the unit of measurement that should be displayed in the dialog for this value  in this case, percent is the correct entry. If it differs from the modelUnit, it will be converted internally. A typical example would be the conversion from mm to inch.
    • displayVariable [52] – enter true here to display the variable in the dialog.
    • description [49] – enter a name for the slider here so that the user knows what the slider is for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will only work if this is present. If a language is not translated, the English translation will be displayed.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file CREATE_WHITE_SEPARATION_SLIDER_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as type SLIDER_INTEGER.

3.8. Create Fixup with CMYK Color Picker

To create a color selection using a color picker and to define the desired CMYK values yourself, the Color_Picker type must be used. This way, the user can, for example, enter the CMYK values for a text themselves and thus achieve the desired color.

3.8.1. Color Picker in KFPX

In pdfToolbox, a separate variable must be created for each color channel  i.e. cyan, magenta, yellow and black. For the four variables to ultimately become a color picker, the following two conditions must be met:

  1. The first part of the key has to be the same for all four variables. Only then can a variable name be defined.
  2. The variable must end with the respective process color name in capital letters. For example, "_CYAN" [54].

The Fixup PLACE_TEXT_COLOR_PICKER_MANUAL.kfpx is available for illustration purposes. The custom Fixup PLACE_TEXT_STRING_MANUAL contains:

  • the variable  SAMPLE_Color_Picker_CYAN for cyan,
  • the variable  SAMPLE_Color_Picker_MAGENTA for magenta,
  • the variable  SAMPLE_Color_Picker_YELLOW for yellow,
  • the variable  SAMPLE_Color_Picker_BLACK for black with
  • the value type Float

The aim of the Fixup is to place a defined text in the center of the MediaBox of the Print Item. The text has a size of 12 pt. With the help of the color picker, the user can determine which CMYK value the predefined text should have.

Figure 13: pdfToolbox dialog where the variables for CMYK were defined

3.8.2. Color Picker in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file must be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Color_Picker has to assigned with the type COLOR_PICKER. The Fixup can only be applied in the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Figure 14: Left: Section of the XML file in which the variable type Color_Picker was assigned; Right: Fixup dialog in the Workflow

To define a color selection using a color picker in XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For information on how this should look, see the article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the  <fixup></fixup> element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and add the <variable></variable> element. Figure 14 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable></variable> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a color picker:
    • name [56] – the Kkey [1] (Figure 1) of the variable defined in pdfToolbox must be entered here. In this case, the part of the key that overlaps for all four defined variables is used.
    • type [55] – assign the COLOR_PICKER type here to create a color picker.
    • defaultValue [58] – enter the value that should be selected by default. Use special characters in the XML to define which Color Space and which values should be entered. The following special characters must be entered for the definition:
      • &quot;spec&quot;: &quot;CMYK&quot;,
      • &quot;value&quot;: [0,0,0,100]
    • displayVariable [59] – enter the value  true here so that the variable is also displayed in the dialog.
    • description [57] – a description is not generally needed for a color picker. However, a description is assigned for internal administration, but this is not displayed in the Workflow. This description must be present for the Fixup to work.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file PLACE_TEXT_COLOR_PICKER_MANUAL.xml for download. In it, the variable is defined as a COLOR_PICKER type.

3.9. Select Print Items in Fixup by Spot Color

To select one or more Spot Colors or Technical Colors that are applied in the Print Item, several types are available. The user can refer to the following types:

  • MOTIF_SPOTCOLORS_ALL_SINGLE_CMYK –  select a single Spot Color or a Technical Color from the Print Item.
  • MOTIF_SPOTCOLORS_ALL_SINGLE_MULTI –  allows the user to select several Spot Colors or several Technical Colors from the Print Item.
  • MOTIF_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_SINGLE_CMYK –  allows the user to select a single Technical Color from the Print Item.
  • MOTIF_SPOTCOLORS_ALL_TEC_MULTI – allows the user to select several Technical Colors from the Print Item.

The application of the respective types works the same in KFPX and in XML. Which type is ultimately used depends on the application of the Fixup and what the Spot Color or Technical Color is needed for in the Fixup.

3.9.1. Select Print Item Spot Colors in KFPX

The RENAME_MULTI_SPOTCOLOR_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup is provided for illustration purposes. The RENAME_SINGLE_SPOTCOLOR_MANUAL user-defined Fixup contains

  • the variable name SAMPLE_Multi_Spotcolor with the
  • value type String.

The purpose of this Fixup is to set selected Spot Colors to Overprint. Using the drop-down menu, all Spot Colors found in the Print Item can be selected.

3.9.2. Spot Colors of the Print Item in the XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file must be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Multi_Spotcolor assigned the type MOTIF_SPOTCOLORS_All_MULTI. The Fixup can only be applied in the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Using a different type

If you prefer to use a different type for selecting Spot Colors or Technical Colors in the Fixup, you only need to change the desired type in the XML file. The structure of the KFPX and XML files is the same. Which type you ultimately use depends on the task of the Fixup.

Figure 15: Left: Section of the XML file in which the variable was assigned the type MOTIF_SPOTCOLORS_ALL_MULTI; Right: Fixup dialog in the Workflow

To define the selection of several Spot Colors in the XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For information on how this should look, refer to the article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the <fixup></fixup> element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and add the <variable></variable> element in it. Figure 15 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable></variable> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a string:
    • name [61] – the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable defined in pdfToolbox must be entered here.
    • type [60] – assign the type MOTIF_SPOTCOLORS_ALL_MULTI or the desired type that you want to use.
    • displayVariable [63] – enter the value true here so that the variable is also displayed in the dialog.
    • description [62] – enter a name for the drop-down menu here so that the user knows what the drop-down menu is for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will only work when the English translation is available. If a language is not translated, the English translation will be displayed.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file RENAME_MULTI_SPOTCOLOR_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as type MOTIF_SPOTCOLORS_ALL_MULTI.

3.10. Select System-Wide Defined Spot Colors in Fixup

To select one or more Spot Colors or Technical Colors that have been previously defined system-wide, there are several types available. The user can refer to the following types:

  • SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_ALL_SINGLE_CMYK – select a single Spot Color or Technical Color from the system.
  • SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_SINGLE_CMYK –  select a single Technical Color from the system.
  • SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_OAS_SINGLE_CMYK – select a single Technical Color that is output as a system-wide separation.

The application of the respective types works the same in KFPX and in XML. Which type is ultimately used depends on what the Spot Color or Technical Color is needed for in the Fixup.

3.10.1. Select System-Defined Spot Colors in KFPX

To be able to select a system-wide defined Spot Color, five variables must be defined in pdfToolbox. Just as with the color picker, a variable must be created for each of the four Process Colors. Since this is a Spot Color, an additional variable must be defined for the Spot Color name. To ensure that a selection menu for a system-wide defined Spot Color is created, the following requirements must be met:

  • The first part of the key must be the same for each individual Process Color.
  • As with the color picker, the respective Process Color must end in capital letters at the end of the key. For example, ..._CYAN.
  • The first part of the key corresponds to the key of the variable for the spot color name. Only the addition ..._CYAN is added.

We provide the Fixup SAMPLE_CREATE_LINE_ON_TRIMBOX_MANUAL.kfpx for illustration purposes. The user-defined Fixup SAMPLE_CREATE_LINE_ON_TRIMBOX_MANUAL [64] contains

  • the variable  SAMPLE_System_Tec_Spot for the Spot Color name with
  • the value type String,
  • the variable SAMPLE_System_Tec_Spot_CYAN for cyan,
  • the variable SAMPLE_System_Tec_Spot_MAGENTA for magenta,
  • the variable SAMPLE_System_Tec_Spot_YELLOW for yellow,
  • the variable SAMPLE_System_Tec_Spot_BLACK for black with
  • the value type Float

The goal of the Fixup is to create an Overprinting Line in the size of the TrimBox. Using the drop-down menu, a system-wide defined Spot Color can be selected to create the line.

Figure 16: pdfToolbox dialog where the variables for CMYK and the Spot Color name were defined.

3.10.2. Select System-Defined Spot Colors in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file still has to be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_System_Tec_Spot assigned the type SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_SINGLE_CMYK. The Fixup can only be applied in the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Using a different type

If you prefer to use a different type for selecting Spot Colors or Technical Colors in the Fixup, you only need to change the desired type in the XML file. The structure of the KFPX and XML files is the same. Which type you ultimately use depends on the task in the Fixup.

Figure 17: Left: Section of the XML file in which the variable type SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_SINGLE_CMYK was assigned; Right: Fixup dialog in the Workflow

To define the selection of a system-wide defined Technical Color in XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For information on how this should look, refer to the Article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the <fixup></fixup> element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and add the <variable></variable> element in it. Figure 17 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable></variable> element. The following attributes should be assigned for a selection menu for system-wide defined Spot Colors:
    • name [66] – the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable defined in pdfToolbox must be entered here.
    • type [65] – assign the SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_SINGLE_CMYK type here, or the type you want to use.
    • displayVariable [68] – enter true here to display the variable in the dialog.
    • description [67] – enter the name for the selection menu here so that the user knows what the selection menu is for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will only work if this is available. If a language is not translated, the English translation is displayed.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file CREATE_DIELINE_ON_TRIMBOX_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as type SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_SINGLE.

3.11. Exclude System-Wide Defined Spot Colors from Fixup

In some cases, it is necessary to exclude Technical Colors or Spot Colors that are output as separations from the Fixup. One example of when this would be used is when creating a Bleed. In this case, the Technical Color objects should not be used to create the Bleed, only the page objects themselves.

There are several types available for excluding a Technical Color from the Fixup. The following types are available to the user:

  • SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_AUTO – Technical Colors that are defined system-wide are excluded from the fixup.
  • SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_OAS_AUTO – System-wide Spot Colors that are output as a separation are excluded from the Fixup.
  • SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_OAS_AUTO – System-wide Technical Colors and Spot Colors that are output as a separation are excluded from the Fixup.

Only system-wide Spot Colors are excluded

Note that you can only use these types to exclude from the Fixup system-wide Technical Colors or system-wide Spot Colors that are output as a Separation. If there is a Technical Color in the file that is not defined in the system, it will not be excluded.

3.11.1. Exclude System-Defined Spot Colors in KFPX

We provide the CREATE_BLEED_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup for illustration purposes. The CREATE_BLEED_MANUAL user-defined Fixup contains

  • the variable SAMPLE_Spot_auto with
  • the value type String

The aim of the Fixup is to add a bleed of 5 mm from the TrimBox. Technical Colors are automatically excluded from the Fixup if the colors used are defined as Technical Colors in the system.

3.11.2. Exclude System-Wide Defined Spot Colors in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file still has to be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Spot_auto assigned to the type SYSTEM_SPOTCOLOR_TEC_AUTO. The Fixup can only be applied in the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Using a different type

If you prefer to use a different type to exclude system-wide defined Spot Colors in the Fixup, you just need to change the desired type in the XML file. The structure of the KFPX and XML files is the same. Which type you ultimately use depends on the functionality of the Fixup.

Figure 18: Left: Section of the XML file in which the variable type SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_AUTO was assigned; Right: Fixup dialog in the Workflow

To exclude a system-wide defined Spot Color from a Fixup in XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. For information on how this should look, see the Article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the <fixup></fixup> element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and add the <variable></variable> element. Figure 18 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the <variable></variable> element. The following attributes should be specified for the exclusion of system-wide defined Spot Colors:
    • name [70] – enter the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable defined in pdfToolbox.
    • type [69] – assign the SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_AUTO type or the type you want to use.
    • defaultValue [72] – enter the default value that you have also defined in pdfToolbox. This attribute is not mandatory.
    • displayVariable [73] – enter the value false here, as this variable should not be displayed in the dialog. This means that the user cannot select a Spot Color. The color concerned will automatically be excluded from the Fixup.
    • description [71] – in this case, only enter an internal description so that you can later understand why this variable was created. The addition not used indicates that this variable is not visible.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file CREATE_BLEED_MANUAL.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as type SYSTEM_SPOTCOLORS_TEC_AUTO.

3.12. Fixups with Layers

To select one or more Layers, visible or invisible, there are several types available. The user can access the following types:

  • MOTIF_LAYERS_ALL_SINGLE – to select a layer that is created within the file.
  • MOTIF_LAYERS_ALL_MULTI – allows you to select multiple layers that have been created within the file.
  • MOTIF_LAYERS_VISIBLE_MULTI –  allows you to select multiple visible layers.
  • MOTIF_LAYERS_INVISIBLE_MULTI –  allows you to select multiple non-visible layers.

The application of the respective types works the same in KFPX and in XML. Which type is ultimately used depends on which and how many layers are ultimately needed for the Fixup.

3.12.1. Select Layers in KFPX

The DELETE_LAYERS_MANUAL.kfpx Fixup is provided for illustration purposes. The DELETE_LAYERS_MANUAL custom Fixup contains

  • the variable name SAMPLE_Layers with
  • the value type String

The goal of the Fixup is to remove selected layers and all objects on those layers. The user selects the layers to be cleared using the drop-down menu.

Corresponds to Select RegEx expression

Please note that in most cases a RegEx expression is required in pdfToolbox for layers. In this case, the setting must be made in pdfToolbox so that the layer or layer name corresponds to the RegEx expression. An example of this can be found in Figure 18!

Figure 19: pdfToolbox dialog showing the layer that matches the RegEx expression and for which the SAMPLE_Layers variable was defined for the RegEx.

3.12.2. Select Layers in XML

Once the KFPX file has been exported, the XML file must be created and the previously defined variable SAMPLE_Layers assigned the type MOTIF_LAYERS_ALL_MULTI. The Fixup can only be applied in the Workflow if the KFPX and XML files match.

Using a different type

If you prefer to use a different type for selecting layers in the Fixup, you just need to change the desired type in the XML file. The structure of the KFPX and XML files is the same. Which type you use ultimately depends on the purpose of the Fixup.

Figure 20: Left: Section of the XML file where the variable was assigned the type MOTIF_LAYERS_ALL_MULTI; Right: Fixup dialog in the Workflow

To define the selection of layers in the XML, proceed as follows:

  1. First create the basic structure of the XML file. You can find out how this should look in the article Creating Fixups without Variables.
  2. In the <fixup></fixup>  element, insert the <variables></variables> sub-element and add the <variable></variable> element. Figure 20 shows what the structure looks like.
  3. Assign the attributes for the  <variable></variable>  element. The following attributes should be assigned for a selection menu for system-wide defined spot colors:
    • name [75] –  the key [1] (Figure 1) of the variable defined in pdfToolbox must be entered here.
    • type [74] – assign the type MOTIF_LAYERS_ALL_MULTI here, or the type you want to use.
    • displayVariable [77] –  enter the value true here so that the variable is also displayed in the dialog.
    • description [76] –  enter a name for the drop-down menu here so that the user knows what the drop-down menu is for. This name can be translated into all languages offered in the Workflow. The English translation is mandatory. The Fixup will only work when the English translation is available. If a language is not translated, the English translation will be displayed.

For illustration purposes, we have provided the corresponding XML file DELETE_LAYERS.xml for download. In this file, the variable is defined as type MOTIF_LAYERS_ALL_MULTI.

Artikel update: Workflow 1.19.0 – 01/2025

Previous Article 1.2 Uploading and Applying Custom Fixups